Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Google Analytic Terms & Definitions

Google Analytic Terms & Definitions :-  a)  Dimension   b)  Metrics 

1) DimensionA dimension is a descriptive attribute or characteristic of an object that can be given different values. Dimensions appear in all of your reports, though you might see different ones depending on the specific report. Use them to help organize, segment, and analyse your data. In some reports, you can add and remove dimensions to see different aspects of your data.

2) MetricsMetrics are individual elements of a dimension that can be measured as a sum or a ratio.
Although dimensions and metrics can stand alone, they usually are used in conjunction with one another. The values of dimensions and metrics and the relationships between those values is what give meaning to your data. For the greatest insights, dimensions are often associated with one or more metric.

1.1) Dimensions

ü  Actionaction for the event being tracked (e.g. “Play”, “Pause” or “Stop” for video interactions)

ü  Ad Content1st line (headline) of your PPC ad

ü  Ad Groupad groups that you or your campaign manager has identified for your online ad campaigns

ü  Browser Typename of the browser used by visitors to your website (e.g. Internet Explorer or Firefox)

ü  Browser Versionversion of the browsers used by visitors to your website (e.g.

ü  Campaignnames of the online campaigns that you or your campaign manager use for your website

ü  Categorycategory pertaining to the event being tracked (e.g. “Videos” for video interactions)

ü  Cityvisitors’ city based on IP address

ü  Connection Speednetwork connection speed of visitors to the website (e.g. DSL, Cable, Dialup...)

ü  Continentvisitors’ continent based on IP address

ü  Country/Territoryvisitors’ country or territory based on IP address

ü  Days to Purchasenumber of days between users’ purchases and their first visit to your website

ü  Depth of Visitnumber of pages visited by users to your website in a session (visit)

ü  Entrance Pagerequest URI where the resultant page is the entrance or landing page for your visitors

ü  Exit Pagerequest URI where the resultant page is the last or "exit" page for your visitors

ü  Flash Versionsversions of Flash supported by visitors’ browsers, including minor versions

ü  Hostnamehostnames visitors used to reach your website

ü  Java Supportbrowser capabilities for visitors

ü  Keywordkeywords (both paid and organic) used by users to reach your website

ü  Labeloptional label you can apply to a particular event you are tracking (e.g. “[movie name]” for video interactions)

ü  Landing Pagesee Entrance Page

ü  Languageuser’s browser language returned in a 2 or 4 character code (e.g. “en-br” for British English)

ü  MediumThis field identifies the type of referral to your website. Thus, while a referring source (URL) to your website might be a search engine, there are two possible mediums that can be used from a search engine referral: organic (from a search result) and cpc (from an online ad).

ü  Operating Systemoperating system used by your visitors (e.g. Windows, Linux, Macintosh)

ü  Operating System Versionversion of the operating system of your visitors (e.g. “‘XP” for Windows or “OSX” for Macintosh)

ü  Pagesee Request URI

ü  Page Title<title></title> field of the HTML header area for your pages

ü  Positionposition of the advertisement as it appears on the hosting page (e.g. “side” or “top”)

ü  Productproduct name

ü  Product Categoryproduct category as defined in your website’s ecommerce structure (e.g. “lighting”, “furniture” or “flooring”)

ü  Product SKUproduct code as defined in your ecommerce structure (e.g. “#1234325”)

ü  Provider Domainfully-qualified domain of the service provider of visitors to your website

ü  Provider Namename of the service provider of visitors to your website

ü  Referral Pathreferral URI (path and page, generally) of the referring site

ü  Regionvisitors’ region based on IP address

ü  Request URIpage or a set of pages on your website by path and/or query parameters (e.g. the request URI for the URL “www.mysite.com/about-us/” is “/about-us/”)

ü  Screen Coloursscreen colour depth of visitors’ monitors, as reported by the browser HTTP Request Header

ü  Screen Resolutionscreen resolution depth of visitors’ monitors, as reported by the browser HTTP Request Header

ü  Search Categorycategories used for the internal search (e.g. “lighting” “furniture” or “flooring”)

ü  Search Refinementsubsequent keyword search terms or strings entered by users after a given initial string search using the internal site search function

ü  Search Terms keywords used via your website’s internal search function

ü  Sourceused in reporting traffic sources to your site, identifies the domain of the referring source (e.g. “google” or “bing”)

ü  Sub-continentvisitors’ sub-continent based on IP address

ü  Sub-regionvisitors’ sub-region based on IP address

ü  Time On Sitevisitor session duration for the day

ü  Transaction IDtransaction ID for the shopping basket purchase as defined in your ecommerce structure (e.g. booking number, order number...)

ü  Visitor Typenumber of visitors to your website who are new or returning
ü  Visitsnumber of visits to your website, calculated by determining the number of visitor sessions (e.g. if a visitor comes to your site, exits their browser, and returns 5 minutes later via the same browser, that is calculated as 2 visits)

ü  Visits to a Transactionnumber of visits made to your website before a user makes a purchase

2.1) Metrics

ü  % Exitpercentage of site exits that occurred from a page or set of pages

ü  % New Visitspercentage of visits from new visitors

ü  Average Valueaverage value of an ecommerce transaction

ü  Avg. Visit Durationaverage time spent per visit on your website

ü  Bounce Ratepercentage of single-page visits (i.e. visits in which the person left your website from the entrance page/landing page)

ü  Bouncesnumber of single-page visits to your site over the selected dimension (e.g. if you apply this metric to the Campaign dimension, it’ll display the number of single-page visits to your site by users that reached your site via a particular campaign)

ü  Clicksnumber of clicks that your ads received

ü  Costcampaign cost

ü  CPC or cost per clickaverage price you paid for each click on your search ads

ü  CPM or cost per millecost per thousand ad impressions

ü  CTR or click through rateclicks to impressions ratio

ü  Entrancesnumber of entrances to your website or page

ü  Exitsnumber of exits from your site or page

ü  Goal Conversion Ratethe percentage of sessions on a website that include a conversion goal being reached

ü  Goal Conversionsnumber of overall goals completed by visitors

ü  Goal1-20 Completionstotal number of visitors who have completed all elements defined for a particular goal

ü  Goal1-20 Starttotal number of visitors who have completed the first goal step for a particular goal

ü  Goal1-20 Valuetotal cumulative value for a particular goal

ü  Impressionsnumber of times your ads were displayed

ü  New Visitsnumber of visits by people who have never been to the website before

ü  Page Valueaverage value for a page a user visited before converting (Revenue + Goal Value, divided by Unique Pageviews for a page viewed before the conversion occurred) – formerly known as “$ Index”
ü  Pages/Visitnumber of pages viewed by users per visit

ü  Pageviewstotal number of pageviews for your website when applied over the selected dimension

ü  Per Visit Goal Valueaverage value of a goal completion (calculated as Goal Value divided by Visits)

ü  Per Visit Value average value of a visit to your website (calculated as Revenue divided by Visits)

ü  Product Revenuerevenue generated per item (calculated as Price multiplied by Quantity)

  ü Quantity –  total number of items sold for the product (or group of products)

ü  Revenuetotal revenue

ü  RPCrevenue per click

ü  Search Depthaverage number of pages visitors viewed after performing a search

ü  Search Exitsnumber of searches a visitor made immediately before leaving the website

ü  Search Refinementsnumber of times a visitor searched again immediately after performing a search

ü  Shippingcost of delivery for a transaction

ü  Taxamount of tax included in the transaction price (e.g. VAT)

ü  Time after Searchstarting from the first use of internal search, time spent on website until either the session ended or until another search happened

ü  Time on Pagetime a visitor spent on a particular page or set of pages. It is calculated by subtracting the initial view time for a particular page from the initial view time for a subsequent page. Thus, this metric does not apply to exit pages for your site

ü  Time on Sitetime a visitor spends on your website

ü  Total Unique Searchestotal number of times your Site Search was used, excluding multiple searches on the same keyword during the same visit

ü  Transactionstotal number of transactions

ü  Unique Pageviewsnumber of visits during which the specified page(s) was/were viewed at least once

ü  Unique Purchasestotal number of times a product was included in a transaction

ü  Unique Visitorsnumber of users that visits your website

ü  Visitsnumber of times your visitors has been to your website (unique sessions initiated by all your visitors)

ü  Visits with Searchtotal number of visits where internal site search was used


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